Por que é Vulgar / imoral que os homens dizem que gostam de mulheres bonitas e as mulheres dizem que gostam de homens ricos
Actual question from quora.
Porque eu não posso mais responder lá, I’ll just answer here.
Because it’s true.
Humans are liars.
Quando algo é verdadeiro que eles não querem que você acredite. Eles não podem chamá-lo de falso. Vai fazê-los parecer ridículo. So they call it vulgar or immoral.
Also a lot of effort to override your choice stems from lies on what you want. No one want wants to do this anyway. So by saying what you want, you tarnished the sacred bullshit used to justify enslaving you.
Some hypocrite wrote that it’s considered vulgar because
“It de-romanticizes love, and romance is highly valued in modern society.”
Romance is the opposite. Often they can’t say something is true. They have no proof and evidences are against it. So they don’t call certain things false. They call it sacred.
So let me tell you what romance and marriage really is. They are just piece of shits.
They’re not valuable. They are pieces of shit that you are forced to eat by society. Society then force everyone to believe it’s real, which is bullshit.
Value is something you want.
Market value is how much money you are willing to pay for.
Compared to porn and prostitution, romance and marriage are piece of shits.
Marriage is so shitty.
You can look how Beatty Chadwick rot in jail for 11 years due to marriage. Who would want to eat that peace of shit?
Just look at all the divorce rate and paternity fraud rate. Want to be in that kind of shit? Get married. Eat shit.
So how do religious bigots, which only want your suffering, want you to embrace and consume pieces of shit?
They call their pieces of shit sacred.
Then they call the true buffet, porn and prostitution, as immoral.
Who would want to eat pieces of shit if he can easily buy a real meal? Marriage stand a snowflake chance in hell when it has to compete with fully legalized prostitution.
That’s how to get people to eat shit. Starve them by prohibiting all alternatives and then call the shit sacred. That’s how bigots persuade people to enter marriage hell.
That’s the only way to sell peace of shits. Making all alternatives illegal, and then call it sacred.
That’s precisely why alternatives are illegal and that’s precisely why bigots call things sacred. So you eat shit.